Tag Archives: postaday2012

Ascension DIY

Ascension DIY Even though it might sound a bit weird to do your ascension to the 5th dimension yourself, it’s eventually the safest way to go. The ascension touroperators that are now in business are asking extravagant prices and are still subject to our current money system. Money in the 5th dimension does no longer exist, but since these ascension operators are partnerships between both dimensions, money is still influential and the number one reason for fraud. Buying an expensive ticket to ascend, is no guarantee for ending up in the 5th dimension.

Doing it yourself isn’t that hard at all and so much more fun, so give it a try. There is a preparation time of 14 days, so you need to be ready to start at the 7th of December 2012. Since you are doing it yourself you can do it within the intimacy of your own home. You start of with a diet when your weight is above the 66 pounds/30 kilograms, any excess weight may jeopardize your ascension. The diet consist of drinking water and chewing Khat leaves that will provide you with the loss of appetite and cause excitement and euphoria, just what you need for your ascension. Once in the 5th dimension you will be healed from your new formed addiction due to the fact that the Catha edulis doesn’t grow in the 5th dimension.

Building your ascension machine will be best in the first week before your ascension, when you still have some weight and strength left to build this machine. The main parts for this machine are; an oil drum, a burner, Swiss clock, a harness, large jar of vaseline, an old church pew and any ideological books to ignite the fire. The exact way to build this machine you can find on the internet when you search for ascension DIY and make sure your URL ends with dot onion.

Within your preparation time you can start writing a log and leave a capsule on the earth for the ones that stay behind, it will be fun for you to write out all the hallucinations your in while being on the Khat diet. So why not share some realizations with the people you leave behind. Some more writing is required, since you have to make a will to divide all your belongings. You can’t bring any of your earthly possessions with you, but you will be surprised how much more advanced the 5th dimension is, when it comes to distraction toys.

There is still some confusion around the money point, some say you have to pay at the gate of the 5th dimension. The operators are claiming this for sure, others mentioned that due to the partnership there will be an one time payment for erasing your mind. Although your weight has decreased and helped you ascend, heavy minds will have problems once in the 5th dimension. There must be some space left for love & light which can overrule your earthly negative vibrations.

You see the way we exist now on this earth is still at the level of the caveman, with the difference that the cave has made room for an apartment. There is too much atrocities going on and it is getting harder every day to ignore, deny or suppress the true nature of our world and us humans in it. We tried for eons of time to exploit each other and still too many are with the 99%, while the 1% is laughing their pants of. So it’s time to elevate ourselves at a new level, where positivity can truly be lived without getting smashed with the negative consequences. Most people are sick and tired of living the life of a slave and have no longer the guts to stand up and change this dimension. And why should we change when we can move to the next dimension? Don’t make life too difficult, it’s not like you live once ,God knows how many times we can still incarnate and with the 5th dimension on the way we’re also freed from our karma.

Is there anything left to say about your DIY ascension, rather then good bye and break a leg?

Well since you are the type of human that likes the quick fix, although you agreed on building an ascension machine trough saving money. Look at it this way, why should you escape to another dimension thinking all will be okay over there, when you ascend with the very same nature you exist as right now? Things do not get better unless we make things better, so any form of escapism will back fire at us. Rather invest in this physical reality to rebuild our money system and from there on all the systems that are not aligned to what is best for all. Dare to look at yourself to see where your flaws and self-interest rules, it might be an interesting journey to sort yourself out equal and one to this existence. Don’t hurry for your 21th of December deadline, there is a life time ahead to fix things on earth. Visit us at the forum or the forum and work for your own future. Step in the shoes of all those other beings here on earth and see how much another direction is needed. We all want the life we dream of, but we won’t get it as long as we accept and allow the current systems as they are. The alternatives are on the table, the Equal Money System is here to implement when all are ready, so what are you waiting for?


Posted by on December 4, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Tree shaping; the ultimate control of man over the tree of knowledge

Tree shaping; the ultimate control of man over the tree of knowledge“Tree Shaping (also known as Pookte, arborsculpture, tree training, and by several other alternative names) is the practice of training living trees and other woody plants into artistic shapes and useful structures.” ~ Wikipedia

“Most artists use grafting to deliberately induce the inosculation of living trunks, branches, and roots, into artistic designs or functional structures. To achieve these art forms, many different tree species have been used, but some trees are better suited than others.” ~ Wikipedia

Most people love the pictures or real physical presence of shaped trees, it grants us with a feeling of being in control even though this manifests on a subconscious level. From the beginning of life we humans have come up with various ways to control our environment as being the ones with the highest level of intelligence. We walk around existence as Gods that have the faith of all life in their hands, yet we as Gods do not want to take the responsibility of our intelligent deeds. This seems to be a common ground for Gods when we have a look look at creation in general and the way we try to subdue life to our irresistible wishes of the positive and beautiful.

Training a tree to grow into a chair, fence, bridge, artistic form or any other form of unnatural growth of the tree, might seem harmless. Though we should obelize that very statement, of training trees as a harmless action, since the tree might not experience life threatening issues by it, the harm done is one of subduing another life form for our desires. The longing for perfection done by our hands and interference is characteristic for us humans. Outclassing the tree by intelligence and therefore having permission to grow a tree into unnatural shapes for the joy of watching it. When the Chinese way back in time let their females grow tiny feet out of fashionable desires we condemned this, yet when we do the same with a tree, we suddenly are the masters over life through the amount of intelligence. We consider ourselves as the decision makers over life, while we are not even aware of our own bodies, our own tree.

Wasn’t it the tree of knowledge that led us into the experience of our own nudity and shame about our bodies? Already in the beginning, according to the bible, we had this orgastic desire for knowledge and feeling better or more than anything or anyone else. We do not worship our God(s) we worship our very own knowledge as our God. The knowledge that we posses like a real possession of the mind has grown bigger than we ever could have imagined.

What is this intelligence that we worship till dead do us part? Where or when did we start being aware of this God inside ourselves? Wasn’t it the first time when we outsmarted our parents and siblings? The moment we could fool our teachers or learned the trick of repeating our materials in school. Who are the best students in school, the ones that know their books by heart or the ones that want to find out for them selves whether the materials are useful? Isn’t intelligence a nice word for a controlling copy cat?

By controlling our environment through outsmarting other life forms we are practising survival skills through competition and that would place us right back to the level of caveman. Although the caveman might have had more awareness about himself as a physical body and his physical reality, we do see him as less than what we are today. What does this imply? It implies that we never have gotten smarter. We did get out of our caves and at the same time we discovered another cave to hide within intelligence and that cave is the modern equivalent for our today’s mind. We are consumed by our mind, which we call our intelligence, and therefore the ones with more intelligence have better life expectations.

We can skin animals, we can pollute nature, we can test on animals, we can frack and destroy the inner parts of the earth, we can control and manipulate anything because we can outsmart all the lower life forms for our own fulfillment and desires. Yes WE CAN destroy our physical reality and call it intelligence and making money, but it is plain and straight abuse of ourselves as the reflection of ourselves, life on earth. It’s not really a form of intelligence when we destroy that on which we depend, isn’t it?

The last resort we have is letting go of our totem pole which we call intelligence and learn how to become humble again. No longer controlling our physical environment and dreaming about perfection when training a tree into our desire and image of perfection. We depend on each other, which means that we have to work together as equals and grant each other that what we can do best. There is no intelligence involved in doing that what you do best in the best interest of all life, but only common sense. Intelligence depends on non processed knowledge as a why to survive in the system and common sense is practical applied information through investigation in order to life and let life. This earth isn’t in need of dreaming control freaks, this earth is in need of life that cares for each other as each other.

Are you interested in becoming humble again in order to really care again, join us and start understanding yourself through writing. You can start now with a free course called Dip Lite and show the world that you dare to care. Shape yourself like a tree, train yourself like a tree to become one and equal to life again, instead of controlling your physical reality from a point of fear.

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Posted by on November 27, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Being the change for a day

The Challenge Day program is challenging youngsters to be the change through one day workshops. The founders of this organization, an American couple have the following vision, “The Challenge Day mission is to provide youth and their communities with experiential programs that demonstrate the possibility of love and connection through the celebration of diversity, truth, and full expression”. They say: “To inspire people to be the change they wish to see in the world, starting with ourselves, through compassion and service”, to accomplish this they use the following formula for change: notice, choose, and act.” This formula means, notice: what needs to change in my community, choose: what can I do to better the situation and act: what will I commit to doing? In these one day workshops they show the youngsters that they all have a story/background and by knowing each others struggles the judgements can be replaced with compassion. They also have one day programs to issue bullying by showing the youngsters what it does inside another being when they are bullied. At these Challenge Days the majority of the youngsters respond positive and at the end of the day youngsters are talking openly with other youngsters who they normally would avoid at school. The Challenge Day program runs in the United States, Canada and they’ve expanded to Europe by doing a workshop in the Netherlands. Although it is the American way of how to deal with emotional issues it seems to take hold on a broader scale.


It’s great to see that The Challenge Day program is recognizing that our youngsters are the generation of tomorrow. The question is wether a one day workshop without real aftercare is going to be the change we so desperately need in this world? Is it love that will change this world? Is it the emphasizing on diversity that will change this world? Is it the search for the truth that will change this world? And do we know what full expression is, so that it will change this world? Is it the compassion and service that will make us understand that we need to change ourselves first, by having compassion with ourselves and being in a Self-honest service to ourselves to bring forth the change within us to make the change within this world?


Is love going to change the world? The love we currently know in this world impulses children through media and adults, in one of abuse in the disguise of love. We’re bribing our kids with money for love and soothing our guilt at the same time. We connected sexuality to love and impuls that into our children through advertisement, fashion and toys. The love our future generation knows is the same love we know taught by our parents. It’s the same love we accept and allow to tear down this world. So will this love change our world for the betterment of all life? Can we simply say, hug each other and feel or give love, knowing what love represents? What happens in actuality is that youngsters hug each other and do feel connected for that moment and at the same time they have negative inner talk about it to sooth the feelings of fear, judgement and jealousy. Do we understand the power of these inner talks as we do not understand the power of promoting love as it is today? All actions we as humans take, all starts with a single thought. One of comparison or self-interest. Which makes wanting to spread love to change this world into an act of self-interest. We all fear that we will become the negative that we know is inside of us, we all fear the negative that we experience and see around us to take over. To equalize this fear we need positivity inside us and around us and at that point we create a make believe world where love can save and heal us. Have a look, is this approach to life not simply a survival strategy? As in I bully a kid in my class because I fear to be bullied myself, because that’s the outcome when we apply imaginary love. Imaginary love in real life is abuse, so instead of neutralizing the negative with the positive, we are fighting the negative with our imaginarily positive, which is a negative in real life. Is this what we want to teach our youngsters? Isn’t it more about caring for ourselves and for others as ourselves? As in love thy neighbor as thyself? Love as it currently exist can’t be used to teach our youngsters how to change the world, it would simply not bring any change.


Is it the emphasizing on diversity that will change this world? Do we really have to search for the differences between us to connect and stand together to be the change? Isn’t the understanding that we all are the same with different experiences that will bring us together? We all went through our teen years trying to find our identity, some found it others are still searching. The question is do we need this quest for individuality or is it leading us further away from changing this world? Isn’t that where the bullying at school starts? You are different than my group and therefore I use my survival strategy and fight you as a bad virus in my body. When youngsters at Challenge Day are crossing “the trust line” and let their peers know that they are hurt by the bullying at school, is that going to stand the test of time? Is one day in a controlled environment, that doesn’t reflect our current society, the change needed at school when all things are gone back to normal again? Instead of seeing the diversity in each other it would be beneficial to see that we all have the same feelings and emotions. It would be beneficial when we understood where these emotions and feelings come from and how to direct them. Stirring up emotions within a controlled environment for one day, is the same as freeing a poisonous snake from it’s terrarium. If the emotions and feelings turmoil experienced at Challenge Day isn’t understood by the youngster the Pandora box is opened and without the proper aftercare inner talks will get worse and depression and the consequences from depression will by be only one step away. That doesn’t make strong and stable youngsters that want to change this world, that only makes really afraid youngsters that want to crawl back in their caves and disconnect from reality.


Is it the search for the truth that will change this world? We can say to our youngsters to follow their heart and find the truth, but what advise is that? Empty words since never ever we’ve found the truth, as the truth is the other end of the polarity and that is the lie. So every truth has a lie in it and every lie has a truth in it. Isn’t it more practical to learn youngsters to investigate within their reality to see what works and what doesn’t in specific situations? Finding the truth is either a distraction or another reason to develop depression in a youngster. When we find the truth within ourselves or about ourselves we can see that we have lived a lie for so long and that counts even for youngsters that have to deal with their genetically bagage from which they have already created their own lie. So again it’s about survival, we never will find the truth and change the world accordingly to the truth. It’s a matter of finding the trust within us, knowing that we can change the world and act as a whole to get this done.


Do we know what full expression is, so that it will change this world? We as adults have never lived within full expression as who we are. There is no way that we could teach that to our children since we do not understand it yet and we never experienced it. Living in the full expression as who we truly are is not possible in a world where survival is our number one priority. When our basic needs are not met, the only expression we have is fear and that’s exactly what we teach our youth, to fear their future. To hit the other first before they can hit you. To get as much money as possible to survive within the system and to become addicted to money and greed. We all know we are not our current expression, but who will stand up and dares to dig as deep as is required to find this true expression of ourselves? Our true expression is life, without life and our physical breath there is no reason for us to be here on earth in our physical bodies. In other words without our true expression we wouldn’t be here, it unfortunately takes time and self-will to see it and to accept it. Would that be worthwhile to teach the next generation? To build a world where we all understand the importance of why we are here and how we can stay here, to deeply understand what the meaning of life is and why we are in it together? Together we can change the world, but it takes awareness from all of us to join in.


A program like the Challenge Day would definitely work when we exchange love with care, diversity with sameness, the truth with trust and full expression with life. Then we would comprehend that life will only work out for all when we trust to care from a point of sameness. A one day program in a controlled environment cannot change the youngsters nor the world, it needs a complete change of our total environment, stripped from survival and fear, to make this change. In an Equal Money System it will be every day Challenge Day. And parents will be thought before they will have children what it means to give as you would receive with a dedication to care for life. Children will be thought within this principle at home. The first 7 years children will be thought by their parents and learn the most basic tools as writing, reading and math. When they are older they are equipped to discover themselves as the others within groups. With an emphasis on how to work together and how to assist and support each other. Only then our children are able to build the world of tomorrow in the best interest of all, where one can speak about personal issues, where one don’t have to fit in according to personality and where one has a social network to back them up. Wouldn’t you like such a future for your child? It takes only one vote for an Equal Money System to bring us all a basic income and a dignified life. Join us or give up on life, the choice is yours.



“The Equal Money System have as Goal to Educate prospective parents with the skills and understanding necessary BEFORE a child is Born to make sure that the Child have every opportunity of an excellent Life and the required Base foundation as example of what it means to give as you would receive with a dedication to care for Life in all ways. We are what we are taught form Birth and changing our Beginning Here will change Human Nature. We all know this, yet we continue to ignore what can be changed.” ~ Bernard Poolman







Posted by on March 31, 2012 in Uncategorized


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When your child dies

A horrible moment in a life of a parent, is the day your child dies and you as a parent have outlived your own child. That in itself feels like an unhealthy and unnatural thing to happen, apart from the fact that statistically a parent should die before their children do. Miscarriages,abortions or SIDS are devastating traumatic events in an adult life, though when our child lives longer than the infant age and gets sick from an accepted incurable disease like leukemia, the impact is even bigger. We as a parent have already established relationships with the child through a long history of memories/feelings/emotions and it is hard for us humans to let go of these energetic connections and roles that we played in our child’s life.

The first moment our child gets diagnosed with an incurable disease, such as leukemia, we as a parent and the child enroll ourselves in the roller coaster of the pharmaceutical industry and the hospital sector. It feels like we have to make a lot of choices to postpone the death of our child, but in fact we do not have any choice when we follow the advise of a regular doctor within our current system. The road is already paved before us, as the outcome, of the treatment that will be given onto our child. We feel as if we loose grip on our situation, we want to direct our situation in the best interest of our child and at the same time we want to be comforted and listening to a doctor that tells us in self-honesty that he’s treating our child in the best interest of our child. However deep down inside we know that whenever we give up our own directive principle from a starting point of self-interest and place it in the hands of a doctor that acts from a starting point of self-interest, the best possible outcome will not result from this equation.

Many of us are too afraid and pushed by medicine, to make quick choices in order to prolong the child’s life, instead of searching for other cures in other directions than conventional medicine. There are diets that could prolong the child’s life without having all the nasty side effects of medication. Also the doctor Burzynski Antineoplastons treatment has proven to be far more life saving with no side effects than any other conventional “cure”. Going into the alternative circuits is a challenging choice since we need to know upfront about the disease and the body in order to be able in common sense to distinguish between where we’re promised a pot of gold and where we meet reality. Most of the time we believe, pushed by our doctor, that we do not have any time to breathe and slow down and make that choice that is in the best interest of all. Our doctor is impatient and fears to loose his bonus on our child’s treatment and we fear to loose our child.

Our fear of death is not something to joke about, our fear of death is intertwined within our total beingness, yet most of the time not accepted and recognized by us for what it is. When our child is about to die, we fear for that part of us that will die with the child. We no longer will be the parent of our child. We loose a personality and we can’t bear it since it feels like we’re dying with the child. The question is: are we? Even after a great loss like this, we still breathe and are still here on this earth, the task we face is to let go this personality of being the mom or dad of our child. A point that mostly is not considered and hold on to through pictures, memories and physical possessions of our child. As long as we do not understand that mourning about a diseased one is mourning about the lost of a personality, a part of our ego that won’t give up easily, we will not be able to move on. So in fact we fear to loose ourselves as a self-interested act and this fear is unrelated to the death of our child.

We’ve got so many things figured out on this planet, or at least we think we have, but a simple thing as understanding death is a mystery and covered with beliefs. Lets take it back to the point where we have chosen a certain treatment for/with our child and the child will not make it and reaches it’s terminal stage. How do we then communicate with our child when it asks us what will happen once I die. We fear death ourselves yet we want to comfort our child. What do we tell our child? Do we repeat what our parents told us? Do we talk about a God or do we talk about angels? When our child is dying it does not want your fantasies about reality? It doesn’t want your fear driven answers, because the child knows that something is off? The child will only fear death even more when we tell them fairy tale stories that are obvious not in relation to reality. Can we live with the fact that we lied to our dying child in order to feel good and to suppress our own fears for death?

There is so much that we still have to educate ourselves on and Life is one of the most important challenges we have to unravel in order to be that parent that can survive their child within Self-honesty. Whenever we do not face ourselves within our own fears we will not be able to be a living example for our children. We have to ask ourselves what our purpose is here on earth, we do not evolve, but simply clone ourselves into more humans that will not evolve. It takes one breath to decide that we want to make that change and break the spell of our DNA.

There is information out on the internet to educate ourselves. Information specifically about Life one can find at Desteni Universe, where amongst other information, the portal provides humanity with vital information to get a grip on our life’s and Life in general. A free downloadable mp3 file explains about a 7 year old who passed away after suffering  from leukemia. This audio file explains us in detail how life after death was and is. The fears of a child for death instigated by the fears of the parents through telling make believe stories about heaven. A very interesting audio file from the portal that will answer a lot of our questions about death and life after death. For those who dare to lift up the veil of fear this audio file is a must hear and a nice start into a process of facing oneself.


Posted by on February 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


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